Rockfall Protection Devices

Rockfall Protection Devices The need formore careful management of our territory has brought the problem of consolidation to the attention of planners and of the public administration, stimulating the development of new environmental defence technologies and the integration of traditional systems.

Consolidation On Buildings

Consolidation On Buildings The recovery of the building heritage also involves a correct consolidation of both historical and modern existing buildings. Currently, research has made available products and materials that are increasingly effective for solving consolidation problems on buildings, passing from traditional works of chaining with tie rods, to interventions that use new materials such [...]

Demolition Works

Demolition Works When a rocky mass is unstable to the extent of no longer contributing to the stability of a slope, it may have to be demolished. The controlled demolition techniques of rocky masses by means of expansive mixes and micro-chargesmake it possible tolimit the invasiveness of the action, by localising effects in the necessary [...]


Rilievi Geomeccanici The majority of rock masses, especially those situated a few hundred meters from the surface, are discontinuous and this significantly influences their mechanical behaviour. Lavori Verticali carries out underground topographies (even in difficult to access places) in order to plan tunnel maintenance and vault consolidation works.


Hydraulics The control of the hydrogeological behaviour of a slope considerably contributes to reducing the general risk of the slope. Correct planning of the surface drains for the collection and provision of water, can really be key to solving problems linked to the stability of soils.

Nature Engineering

Nature Engineering Since about the last ten years, there has been increased use of terrain defence interventions compatible with the environment where they are executed. These works – which are part of the nature engineering sector – can, in some cases, be integrated with or replace traditional interventions based on concrete and steel elements.


Foundations The sector entailing foundations in an area of high seismic and hydrogeological risk, is becoming increasingly important. This is because the correct selection and execution of all subsoil works which make up the root of the building, directly influence subsequent maintenance costs and the overall quality of the work. Modern drilling methods that respect [...]

Tubular Scaffolding

Tubular Scaffolding Lavori Verticali directly plans and executes metal tubular scaffolding for consolidating rocky ridges or for maintaining buildings. By using special scaffolding, we can position even very heavy equipment for implementing tie-rods, under-stone walls and other interventions which could not be executed by rock technicians.


Planning To effect a consolidation intervention calls foraccurate planning aimed at analysing all aspects involved in determining the cause of the instability, and at solving them correctly. Lavori Vertcali carries out this type of analysis, both for implementing new interventions and for drafting localised executive projects, starting with larger scale definitive projects.